Famiglia Statella

Spring in the vineyard: the vegetative awakening on Etna

Once the winter has passed and prepared for pruning, our vineyards have officially begun a new year cycle.
During our walks through the rows in recent weeks, we have witnessed the vegetative awakening of the vines and the first buds sprouting: a wonderful scene that, year after year, never ceases to surprise us.

Observing the vine clothed in its first shy leaves brings back images of last year’s vintage to our minds: a rather sad memory, which has seen the production halved, due to phytosanitary problems that caused extensive damage throughout Europe.

Such images remind us how important, for us wine growers and vine artisans, is the first phase of life of our vineyards, which need so much care and support for a healthy and qualitatively high growth.
Spring in the vineyard is a period full of activity and care that anticipates the most beautiful and intense moment of every vintage: the harvest ( hoping it will be better than last year’s!).
We work with perseverance, passion and respect for natural rhythms to ensure that our vines express themselves to the fullest and then to bottle the most faithful expression of the Etnean territory.

Keep following us, we will tell you about the evolutions of this vintage and much more.